Penetration Testing

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Penetration testing services for medium and small organisations. At i4 Cybersecurity, we understand the importance of ensuring the security of your business data and systems. That’s why we offer comprehensive and affordable penetration testing services to help small businesses like yours stay protected against potential cyber threats.

What is Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing, also known as pen testing or ethical hacking, is a simulated attack on your business’s systems and networks. It is designed to identify vulnerabilities in your system that a hacker could exploit to gain access to sensitive information or disrupt your business operations. By conducting a penetration test, we can identify and address any weaknesses in your security before a real attacker has the chance to exploit them.

We offer a range of penetration testing services tailored specifically to small businesses. Our experienced team of cybersecurity experts will work with you to determine the best testing approach for your business needs and budget. Some of our services include web application testing, network testing, wireless network testing and social engineering. 


Web App Pen Testing

We test your web applications to find security weaknesses that could be exploited to gain access to sensitive data.

Network Pen Testing

We simulate an attack on your network to identify any potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an attacker.

Social Engineering

We test your employees' susceptibility to phishing attacks and other social engineering tactics.

Benefits of Pen Testing

Identify vulnerabilities before an attacker does: By conducting a penetration test, you can identify and address security weaknesses before an attacker has the chance to exploit them. Protect your business reputation: A data breach can damage your business’s reputation and lead to lost customers. Penetration testing can help you avoid these consequences. Compliance: Many industries require regular penetration testing to comply with regulations. Our team can ensure that your business is meeting any necessary compliance requirements. Cost-effective: Penetration testing is a cost-effective way to identify potential security weaknesses in your business’s systems and networks. Don’t wait until it’s too late to protect your business. Contact us today to learn more about our penetration testing services for small businesses. Our team is here to answer any questions you may have and help you choose the right testing approach for your business.

Our Other Services

i4 Cybersecurity offers a range of services for small and medium-sized organisations. 

Cloud Penetration Testing

With the increasing use of cloud services in businesses, ensuring the security of cloud-based systems has become more important than ever. Cloud penetration testing is one of the most effective ways to identify vulnerabilities in cloud systems and prevent cyber attacks. In this article, we will explain what cloud penetration testing is and why your business needs it.

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Incident Response

Incident response services for small and medium-sized businesses. We understand the importance of having a comprehensive incident response plan in place to minimise the impact of a security breach. That’s why we offer affordable and effective incident response services to help businesses like yours respond quickly and effectively to any security incidents.

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Web Application Pen Testing

Our Web Application Penetration Testing Service is designed to help organisations identify and mitigate potential security vulnerabilities in their web applications. With our comprehensive testing methodology, advanced tools, and experienced cybersecurity experts, we can help ensure that your web applications are secure and resilient against cyber threats.

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Social Engineering Testing Services

Assess your susceptibility to social engineering attacks, including phishing, spear phishing, and other tactics used by cybercriminals to gain unauthorised access to systems and data.

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Vulnerability Assessment Services

Our Vulnerability Assessment Service is designed to identify potential vulnerabilities in your systems and networks before they can be exploited by cyber attackers. With our comprehensive testing methodology, advanced tools, and experienced cybersecurity experts, we help ensure your systems and networks are secure and resilient against cyber threats.

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